Business Investments • Real Estate • Germany


Добро пожаловать в мультифункциональный центр для интернациональных инвесторов в Германии

Мы помогаем интернациональным инвесторам выйти на немецкий рынок, сохранить и приумножить свой капитал через инвестиции в недвижимость и бизнес в Германии!

The CENTER — Talk

The CENTER talk informs and inspires.

In our interview series, we present Germany with all its advantages and strengths. We show you the special features of business and investment activities in this country.
Behind each enterprise stand people with strength of character. We tell you their incredible success stories, but also give insights into the setbacks and difficulties on the way to success. In a relaxed and informal atmosphere, get to know different enterprises and the exceptional personalities who founded them and built them up.