About the Center

The CENTER is your reliable companion for business and investments in Germany

Do you want to expand by bringing goods or services onto the European market – or do you wish to engage in profitable investments in real estate or business?

At The CENTER you will receive everything you need: We know everything about the German system and what is required, and we ensure the smooth realization of your project.

We will contribute 9 strong success factors for your successful start:

A complete and objective view of the market

Every unknown variable in an investment represents a risk. We reduce and minimize these risks. For us there are no unknown variables in the German business climate. We have been supporting investors for many years now. We have a detailed knowledge of procedures and we observe the strict German legislation.

Experience with large-scale projects

The investment volume of our customers starts at approximately 1 million Euro in residential property and 10 1 million Euro in commercial real estate projects. We work on the highest level of business and we have hundreds of satisfied customers and partners, and hundreds of successful projects, behind us. Our office is situated in Baden-Baden, one of Germany’s most exclusive cities.

We open doors for you!

In order to simplify your decision-making process, we help you to gather comprehensive information, even information which it might be difficult for you to access yourself. We cooperate with many German public authorities, organizations and Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHKs). Thanks to our connections and networks we are able to offer you uncomplicated access to German enterprises, communities and local authorities. We cooperate with the Russian Chamber of Industry and Commerce as well as various Russian and international business associations.

Exclusive conditions for property and real estate in Germany

We have high competence in the field of real estate investments in Germany, and we will give you access to properties which are not offered publicly. The CENTER is an official licensee of the closed database for commercial properties “XXL Immobilien” in Germany. In the high-priced market segment The CENTER is a partner of “Die Luxusliegenschaften”, a closed platform for luxury villas and apartments and castles in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. You will have direct access to the real estate of more than 300 partner estate agents.

A hundred specialists – one CENTER

Thanks to her excellent education and training, and 25 years of professional experience in the tax, finance and investment sector, the Managing Director of the Center possesses very high business competence. Any inquiry is assessed taking into account all the aspects that affect the result. We offer a balanced solution and, when necessary, we bring in specialized experts from our pool of experts. Your advantage: You do not lose time searching around for various different experts, contacting them and obtaining information step by step – because we already have the contacts.


Specialized tasks require expert knowledge. Every project we manage has its own special features. For this reason, Inessa Berger assembles a customized team of experienced, long-standing partners who will provide optimal support for your project. All our partners satisfy our own high quality requirements.

Don’t go round in circles – just get going!

Without an understanding of how things function in Germany, it is possible to spend years getting nowhere. We offer you all the necessary conditions for a successful start. You can set up your business much faster, more easily and securely. Our possibilities are your protection against failures. For instance, we will accompany you to important appointments, prepare everything in great detail and, if necessary, provide an interpreter.

Feel secure at all stages in the cooperation

You are in continual contact with us and are kept informed about the progress of your project. We will even take on the communication with your lawyers and notaries in other countries. You always have a complete overview of all procedures and solutions, and you can be sure that we will not forget to consider any aspect. We take responsibility for the coordination and monitoring of your project, we answer your questions, clarify difficulties and ensure that the project runs smoothly.

Joining a closed business/ investors’ community

Having a location in Germany is often very valuable for a company’s image. The possibilities offered by The CENTER make it easier to expand your business into Germany and Europe. You can begin with a local project, and then extend it nationally and into other countries. We have all the necessary instruments to support your endeavors. You become part a closed business/ investors’ community, you receive insights into leading German enterprises and we bring you together with suitable business partners. Take a look at the interviews on THE CENTER Talk, our YouTube channel.

Trust and discretion as the basis for business relations

At The CENTER discretion is the highest priority. Our partners are bound to confidentiality and your privacy is respected. In Germany, partners involved in the project are generally pledged to secrecy by a statement of non-disclosure regarding all information arising from a


The CENTER Ecosystem

The ecosystem has been built up step by step over the years, and we are now in an ideal position to give our business community strong support. Every element of the system is in the right place, producing a synergy that strengthens the general effectiveness of the business support and works for your development.


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Important criteria in the selection of our partners:

  • An impeccable reputation.
    We only include in our business environment enterprises that have already proved their worth. Over the years we have chosen the most successful, most sustainable and most promising enterprises.
  • Versatility.
    Our partners include many enterprises from different areas of activity. The choice of services we can provide you with is almost unlimited.
  • Expert knowledge.
    All our business colleagues are officially recognized experts in their field.
  • Guarantees.
    All enterprises are insured by professional liability insurance policies against financial or material damage that may be suffered by the client in connection with their professional activities.
  • Working with large-scale projects.
    All our partners are specialized in the support of large-scale projects with high investment volumes. You are in safe and experienced hands.
  • Exclusiveness.
    We cooperate with closed databases for residential and commercial properties. You have access to unique information.
  • Working with large-scale projects.
    All our partners are specialized in the support of large-scale projects with high investment volumes. You are in safe and experienced hands.
  • Confidentiality.
    All partners are bound to secrecy before, during and after the services are performed. You have nothing to fear in this respect.

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Important criteria in the selection of our partners:

  • An impeccable reputation.
    We only include in our business environment enterprises that have already proved their worth. Over the years we have chosen the most successful, most sustainable and most promising enterprises.
  • Versatility.
    Our partners include many enterprises from different areas of activity. The choice of services we can provide you with is almost unlimited.
  • Expert knowledge.
    All our business colleagues are officially recognized experts in their field.
  • Guarantees.
    All enterprises are insured by professional liability insurance policies against financial or material damage that may be suffered by the client in connection with their professional activities.
  • Working with large-scale projects.
    All our partners are specialized in the support of large-scale projects with high investment volumes. You are in safe and experienced hands.
  • Exclusiveness.
    We cooperate with closed databases for residential and commercial properties. You have access to unique information.
  • Working with large-scale projects.
    All our partners are specialized in the support of large-scale projects with high investment volumes. You are in safe and experienced hands.
  • Confidentiality.
    All partners are bound to secrecy before, during and after the services are performed. You have nothing to fear in this respect.


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Важные критерии выбора партнёров

• Репутация.
Включаем в своё бизнес-окружение только проверенные компании. За годы работы отобрали самых успешных, устойчивых и перспективных.
• Многоплановость.
Среди наших партнёров — множество компаний из разных областей деятельности. Выбор услуг и сервисов для вас практически неограничен.
• Экспертиза.
Все наши коллеги по бизнесу — официально признанные эксперты в своей области.
• Чёткие гарантии.
Все компании имеют страховые полисы на случай финансового ущерба. Вы застрахованы от материальных потерь.
• Работа с крупными проектами.
Все партнёры специализируются на поддержке масштабных инвестиционных потоков. Вы находитесь в надёжных руках.
• Эксклюзивность.
Сотрудничаем с закрытыми базами объектов жилой и коммерческой недвижимости. Вы приобщаетесь к уникальной информации.

Our partners:

  • Public authorities and institutions
  • Chambers of Industry and Commerce
  • More than 450 banks and insurance companys
  • Notaries
  • Lawyers / Tax advisors
  • Auditors / Business consultants
  • Fördermittelberater
  • Insolvency administrators
  • Construction specialists / Insurance experts
  • Estate agents / Building companies / Project developers/ Architects
  • Closed platforms for commercial and luxury properties
  • Real estate fonds
  • Asset managers
  • Executors
  • Clinics
  • Car dealerships
  • Interior designers and lighting specialists
  • Art galleries
  • and much more

Our clients:

  • Private investors
  • Landlords
  • Company owners
  • Family Offices
  • Real estate funds
  • Asset management companies
  • Building companies and project developers
  • International companies engaged in trading activities

Our partners:

  • Public authorities and institutions
  • Chambers of Industry and Commerce
  • More than 450 banks and insurance companys
  • Notaries
  • Lawyers / Tax advisors
  • Auditors / Business consultants
  • Fördermittelberater
  • Insolvency administrators
  • Construction specialists / Insurance experts
  • Estate agents / Building companies / Project developers/ Architects
  • Closed platforms for commercial and luxury properties
  • Real estate fonds
  • Asset managers
  • Executors
  • Clinics
  • Car dealerships
  • Interior designers and lighting specialists
  • Art galleries
  • and much more

Our clients:

  • Private investors
  • Landlords
  • Company owners
  • Family Offices
  • Real estate funds
  • Asset management companies
  • Building companies and project developers
  • International companies engaged in trading activities

Our partners


Передача The CENTER talk вдохновляет

В нашей передаче мы показываем Германию такой, какая она есть. Раскрываем её во всех преимуществах и сильных сторонах. Подробно и исчерпывающе делимся нюансами и особенностями ведения бизнеса в этой стране.

В нашей передаче мы показываем Германию такой, какая она есть. Раскрываем её во всех преимуществах и сильных сторонах. Подробно и исчерпывающе делимся нюансами и особенностями ведения бизнеса в этой стране.

Бизнес — это всегда люди. Рассказываем о головокружительных историях успеха, невероятных взлётах и трудностях на пути к нему. Даём возможность заглянуть в святая святых — на внутреннюю кухню различных бизнесов. В непринуждённой и уютной обстановке пообщаться с выдающимися личностями, которые за ними стоят.
Вам интересно будет узнать, благодаря каким своим личным качествам, особенностям мировоззрения эти сильные люди добиваются своих целей, неуклонно следуя своим путём. Что им помогает становиться лучше, а что мешает. О чём они мечтают перед сном, какими сокровенными идеями делятся со своими близкими.

Вас ожидают эксклюзивные темы, нестандартные направления, эксклюзивные материалы. Вы сможете узнать то, о чём не говорят и не пишут в обычных СМИ.
Вас ожидают незабываемые моменты: стремительные виражи, неожиданные откровения. Вы будете удивлены, с какими выдающимися персонами вам предстоит познакомиться в нашей передаче. От каких влиятельных людей вы получите исчерпывающие ответы на важные для вас вопросы.
Все эти компании — часть экосистемы The CENTER, участники нашего нетворкинг-центра.

Берем интервью с успешными личностями из разных отраслей Германии:

  • экономика
  • финансы и банки
  • медицина и фармакология
  • новые технологии
  • наука и инновации
  • энергетика
  • туризм
  • культура

Присоединяйтесь к нашему каналу и черпайте вдохновение для новых свершений!